Best Hotel Dail in Cairo

Egypt Hotels Reservation Cairo

Best Hotel Dail in Cairo
Egypt Hotels Reservation Cairo: 5-Stars
Egypt Hotels Reservation Cairo: 4-Stars
Egypt Hotels Reservation Cairo: 3-Stars

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Summer 2003 Rates for West European Market

Cairo 3-Stars Hotels per person in US Dollars

Basis Triple Double Single Effective Hotel Name
BB $12 $13 $19 01.05.03 - 30.09.03 Santana Hotel
BB $11 $12 $19 01.05.03 - 30.09.03 Pharaohs Hotel
BB $11 $12 $17 01.05.03 - 31.07.03 Indiana Hotel
BB $16 $17 $22 01.08.03 - 31.08.03
BB $11 $12 $17 01.09.03 - 30.09.03
BB = Breakfast & HB = Half Board  &  FB = Full Board

1. Rates are per Person.
2. All A/M rates in US Dollars.
3. All A/M rates are per Person in double, and per person in single room.
4. One Pax free for every 16 Pax.
5. This Offer valid from 01.05.2003 till 30.09.2003.


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Your ideal Partner in Egypt



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The AETBI is an association developed by Tour Egypt, the official web site of the Ministry of Tourism of Egypt and the Egyptian Tourist Authority. Members of the AETBI are closely monitored for their reputable performance, respectability and dependability in providing travel related services to the country of Egypt. Min Travel has been authorized to display the AETBI logo, meeting all AETBI standards.
